Thank you Steve Jobs for making the whole thing possible. For making music accessible and interesting again, for making me not want to smash my cellphone to bits when I want to send a text message, thanks for making information expressive and accessible, and well, beautiful to look at. Thanks for the MacBook Air that saved my shoulder and my back and that looks really cool when slipped into my padfolio when I go into a meeting. Thanks for making the iPad so that my 82 year old Mother-In-Law can play Words with Friends with her 23 year old grandson and routinely kick his butt. Thanks for Facetime so I can talk to my kids without it costing a fortune. Thanks for making things the platforms that make apps like Pinterest and Zite a reality so I can customize my experience beyond picking a font. Thanks for making a platform where you can explore things in a visual way. Thanks for all the attention to detail that you and your team put into your products.
And for the three people left in the world who haven't read the book and who would like insight into what Steve Jobs was really all about, complete with Bill Gates dropping in his Silicon Valley home through the back door, here is a link to Walter Isaacson's biography.
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson — Inventor, genius, agent of change.