Way Better Patents has been busy working on improving our weekly databank, looking at ways to make information about patents more accessible, and examining the flow of information based inventions — business methods patents, patents for internet and communications technology, social media, business methods inventive elements embedded in other domains. This week there are 59 new patents that have classifications in the business methods area indicating that the patent examiner believes that certain elements of the patent are like those contained in patents whose main classifications are in business methods, Data processing: financial, business practice, management, or cost/price determination. Informationization of innovation continues. Here is a quick look at what's going on this week.
Explore this week's patent Box Scores at Way Better Patents
Score Card — September 10, 2013
Total: 6,173New Grants*: 6,157
*New Utility, Design, & Plant Patents
US Grants: 2,967
Foreign Grants: 3,206
Named Inventors: 16,438
This Week's Score Card by Domain
Domain | This Week | Year To Date |
Utility | 5,727 | 191,840 |
Chemical | 1,095 | 36,869 |
Electrical | 3,115 | 103,480 |
Mechanical | 1,517 | 51,491 |
Design | 410 | 16,318 |
Plant | 20 | 614 |
Reexam | 17 | 581 |
Reissue | 16 | 611 |
Errata | 41 | 1,420 |
Corrections | 443 | 16,440 |
Business Methods | 128 | 3,890 |
Broad Business Methods | 459 | 15,212 |
Databank Sitemap
Global Indicators

Region | Count |
Africa | 5 |
Asia | 1,945 |
Central America & Caribbean | 1 |
Europe | 961 |
Middle East | 85 |
North America | 139 |
Oceania/Australia | 57 |
Russian Federation | 5 |
South America | 8 |
Total | 3,206 |
Business Methods Watch
See the weekly business methods patents weekly databank for the details.
As of September 10, 2013 USPTO has granted 128 new business methods patents with a total of 3,890 year to date. More broad business methods patents this week came in at 459 and 15,212 year to date. This week there were also 59 patents that had a cross-reference (XR) classification in class 705 indicating that the invention has business methods elements embodied in the inventions it covers.Business methods patents include only those patents with an original classification in business method classes. It does not include other inventions where USPTO has identified other features that are business methods related (patents with discretionary classifications in the business methods domain.)
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